Thursday, January 29, 2009

sedar tak sedar kejap je mase berlalu...tau2 dah masuk 2009...da setahun lbh aku tinggalkan blog ni....da macam2 aku lalui sepanjang tahun 2007-2008...lepas je aku keje ngan WTP aku move to gB...bulan august 2007 aku start keje ngan da 2009 rasenya da dkt setahun lebih aku ngan GB...dari takde pape sampai la ada pape...aku bersyukur sgt sbb aku buat keputusan yang tepat utk tukar kerja...skang aku da pakai kereta...motor scooter kesayangan aku da abes bayar pun...skang ni jadi kegunaan abg aku plak.....rase macam banyak sgt benda yg aku tinggalkan n tak dapat nk kejar tahun lepas....aku rindu banyak perkara....aku tak tau nk ckp camne..tapi macam ade benda yang terlepas dr pandangan aku....
skang ni rambut aku da panjang tak tau bile aku nak gi potong rambut...kalo blh aku nk hidup cam dulu..happy je...tapi ntah la...makin lama makin banyak tanggungjawab dlm hidup aku ni...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

mie,i still think smpi bile2 pon that i was the one that set apart ur relationship with her. i know that u could never love again after she left u. the way u love her was so beautiful. i did not only read this one. i managed to read the entire blog, including the one u took out form this one. the one u save it in another document. pls la jgn tipu diri sendiri. i hate it. we never had time for each other. we cant barely see each other. but it was not ur fault. it was mine. u have nothing to loose. thanx for everything.